Genius Crafter – Access to unique unit and ancillaries.
You can complete these steps by constructing the correct building in a settlement that has that resource, or if you have a trade agreement with a faction that’s exporting that resource. Some of Jorek’s mini-quests require you to have certain trade goods/resources. But, one can’t help but think of him as good ol’ Bardin Goreksson… or Joreksson, perhaps? He’ll take a while to get recruited since you’ll need to send a character further south through Lustria. Well, Jorek is probably not Okri’s cousin.
Wolf-Hearted trait which increases melee attack, HP, ambush success rate, and defense against enemy hero actions adds the Shatter ability.
You can make your decision once you complete Step 4.
Executioner of Captives trait which increases weapon strength and lowers enemy leadership, or Merciful trait which increases hero action success rate and lowers infantry upkeep.
Anguish of L’ Anguille (enchanted sword/unique) which increases weapon strength and melee defense, or Sworn to Wulfhart trait which increases infantry speed and charge defense.
Step 4: Move any character to Pox Marsh.
Step 1: Move any character to Xlanhuapec.
Final Battle Bonus: Oppressive Fighter – Enemy lord’s resistances during the final battle will be significantly reduced.
True Survivor – Can withstand the worst of the worst.
Cold-Blooded Killer – Expert combatant against Lizardmen.
This prince might be a Bretonnian, but, hey, he’s still a Knight so we might as well call him the group’s Marcus Kruber. This way, lumberfoots! Rodrik L’Anguille (Bretonnian Knight)